a collage of portraits of different people 2





Since integration we have been aware that integration did not end the racist practices in the two key professions of those in police work and those in the integrated mainstream news media. Camera phones and Youtube have long since showed black cops not only being willing participants in police excessive force, abuse, and killings of fellow blacks. They have even initiated their own gangbang style fatal police beat downs of other blacks.

The integrated mainstream news media has continued their little known, pre-integration, racist editorial practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters. It’s a racist news media problem that has remained unknown, and unchecked since integration. Plus, unlike all of those police excessive force and police killing videos, we have no videos exposing the news media engaged in their racist practice of supporting the police in these everyday race and police encounters, until now. 

“The Big Cover-Up”video is a first in finally providing indisputable video evidence showing the systemic integrated mainstream news media’s racist editorial practice on video and in action that’s been completely unknown and overlooked by those most directly impacted (black people). Despite the mainstream news media being completely exposed in the video supporting racist police misconduct, in the Gates-Crowley-Obama-affair, it was missed by all. (except for us who caught and captured the whole racist travesty in “The Big Cover-Up”video.)


To be clear, we’re not talking about the cases of excessive force and unjustified police killings of unarmed blacks not receiving news media attention. Those cases generally get news media coverage even though at times belatedly, as with the Chicago police black sites that operated for over ten years despite activist attorneys asking the press  check it out. We are talking about a systemic lack of news media exposure and accountability in everyday race and police encounters. Combine that with the police “code of silence” and we see the level of freedom and discretion that cops have been operating under in everyday race and police encounters.

That kind of ongoing police latitude and freedom makes those cases of police excessive force and killings predictable if not inevitable. The knowledge and awareness of this systemic press and police relationship in race and police matters is key to solving the unsolved race and social justice problem.


The race and police incident of the Gates-Crowley affair that included the involvement of the first black President, which commanded the entire mainstream news media’s attention. The collective news media response exposed the little known systemic news media racist editorial practice of supporting the police in race and pollice encounters. Despite the involvement of the first black President the news media did not deviate from their racist editorial practice and even knowingly supported the racist police misconduct. How the news media reacted collectively and individually is a historic record that will live forever, because we captured it all in “The Big Cover-Up”video.

The video  exposed key facts of this race and social justice incident. It showed screen grab of a CNN interviewColin Powel and Jaun Williams, two prominent black men wrongly insisting on national television that the presence of integrated black cops means no racist activity occurred. Their mistake was further punctuated by Stephen A Smith also on national television, vociferously denouncing Professor Gates in defense of Sgt. Crowley, who the video shows had lied and filed a false police report.    

The video shows CNN used their star black host, Don Lemon to lead switching the news story to it being about angry cops resenting the black President for criticizing what proved to be an illegal arrest and police cover-up. That narrative was combined with Anderson Cooper of CNN and Greta Van Susteren of Fox News failing to follow up on their own scoops that had aired exposing Sgt. Crowley lying on his police report.

The public display of the integrated mainstream news media openly manipulating their news reports to support the racist police misconduct in the Gates-Crowley affair was missed by black and white Americans on all levels. Even the NAACP and Black Lives Matter,  missed the news media racist action supporting the police cover-up of Sgt Crowley lying and filing a false police report. Even President Obama, who was the target of the press and police complicity himself, had no awareness of the news media’s duplicity, a failure that’s  revealed in his memoir, The Promise Land.


Once again, and to be clear, we are not exposing a racist conspiracy. It’s far more powerful as a witting or unwitting systemic racist news media editorial practice that’s deeply ingrained in the culture of the integrated mainstream news media profession. This is even news to many of those news people engaged in the racist editorial practice themselves, which will be a revelation to many of them once they watch“The Big Cover-Up”video,  in which this news media racist practice is so definitively and irrefutably revealed.


This came down to the remarkable realization that as the only source aware of this racist news media problem as verified in “The Big Cover-Up”video,  if we don’t act on what we know and put the obvious solution in place, this racist problem will persist indefinitely.

The obvious solution is to put in place what “The Big Cover-Up”video shows is missing, which is an independent  national news media operation that will include presenting facts that are being ignored and news media accountabilty where it has been missing.   

Specifically, that calls for this 24-7 national cable news television network and a 24-7 online news magazine that we are pursuing. The concept of an integrated national news media operation has remained the obvious common sense solution since integration as confirmed by“The Big Cover-Up”video showing the systemic lack of news media acountability in race and police encounters.

If the revelations in “The Big Cover-Up”video were presented at the time of the Gates Crowley racist travesty  by the kind of independent 24-7 natonal cable news  television operation described here, that press and police Gates Crowley affair and cover-up would not have been successful.  “The Big Cover-Up”video,  is also a perfect example of the kind of  missing indisputable information  for a major national news media operation to be able to present to counter police and press misrepresentation of information in race matters when it occurs.   


Even as black Americans are making tremendous economic, and political advancements, and still have a ways to go, the numbers speak for themselves. It’s time to address the last remaining institutional racial inequality of 46 million black Americans and growing spending $1.2 trillion annually and counting, being without national national news media presence and representation that includes the news media accountability in the national news media arena that’s been missing, particularly in everyday race and police encounters.


We have embraced the responsibility of addressing this lack of news media accountability in race and police enounters. It comes with being the only source aware of this systemic news media racist editorial practice that has been going on unknown and unchecked since integration. We are also the only source that has documented the evidence of this systemic racist news media practice in “The Big Cover-Up”video. That brings us full circle to our opening premise as was stated.


We call this “opportunity revisted” beause the response of various groups and individuals to the George Floyd police murder showed a widespread sentiment to do what ever it takes to solve this unsolved race and social justice problem. That’s where the irony of everything needed to bring abiut the necessary change was there in copius measure. The money, the will, but not knowledge. 

The solution to the problem can’t be any clearer as explained on this website with “The Big Cover-Up”video  presenting indisputable supporting evidence. 



Even as we are identfying and pursuing the  obvious solution to this unsolved race and social justice problem, this shows that we simply must come up with a way to get this information to what the audience that the George Floyd awakening showed is looking for a real solution. That’s, why we call this  opportunity revisited.  

This website is presenting a game-changing breakthrough solution that’s key to the unsolved race and social justice problem that up until now, has been unknown. No longer is that the case.  It’s explained and verified with video evidence, and presented here for all to see.  


The George Floyd awakening was a true watershed moment that saw black and white Americans stepping up like never before to support finding a solution to the unsolved race and social justice problem. Corporate America — including Wall Street and Silicon Valley giants — pledged to play a bigger role in combating systemic racism across the United States. So far, America’s 50 biggest public companies and their foundations collectively committed at least $50 billion since George Floyd’s murder.

This new corporate posture has spread across  nearly every industry as companies rushed to respond to the nationwide protests. The “George Floyd awakening” ushered in all of this new money and the never-seen-before national clamor among black and white Americans to fix this unsolved race and social justice problem. 22 major companies including Bill Gates publicized their support for Black Lives Matter. Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, kneeled with staff members at their largest bank. Dimon, wearing shorts, sneakers and a mask, was adopting the symbolism Colin Kaepernick made famous.  

Another well publicized response, was Oprah, leading a effort among blacks to come up with answers from  black activists and race and social justice experts and take advantage of this never-seen-before groundswell of willingness to support the solution to this unsolved race and social justice problem.  She gathered her all-star group of famous black racist experts and televised a two-hour two-day day television special entitled “Where Do We Go From Here” to respond to the national  urgent public sentiment to finally address this problem.


The key responding high profile group to the George Floyd awakening, were the cross section of superstar professional black athletes. They apparently saw their most effective role being to use  their fame as a means to make public statements  who saw their role being to some like Michael Jordan 

This confirms the resolve and the resources available among the American people. All that’s missing is the awareness and knowledge of the problem and the solution, which is exactly what we’re presenting here.

Some of the more notable groups and individuals that stepped up ranged from the  with    Then we see all of these black super star professional athletes attempting to live up to the tradition of those pros who supported Muhammed Ali and conscious of the social media advancement providing them with an enormous plaform lining up to make public statements and wearing symbolic tee shirts and face masks now to support a solution the unsolved race and social justice problem.

The out pouring of corporate pledges of activity and money being committed from the reaction to the George Floyd awakening.  The activity ranged from Oprah  convening a group of black leaders to offer their wisdom to take advantage of the unprecedented billions and people power was being manifested in support of a solution for the unsolved race and social justice problem. Black superstar athletes were using their platforms on social media to speak up for race and social justice. Ironically despite all of this activity and money there remained this lack of awareness of this obvious solution that the problem will not be solved without.

From Silicon Valley to Wall Street, companies proclaimed “Black lives matter.” JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon adopted the posture of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protests against police brutality and took a knee with bank employees. McDonald’s declared Floyd and other slain Black Americans “one of us.

To date, America’s 50 biggest public companies and their foundations collectively committed at least $49.5 billion since Floyd’s murder last May to addressing racial inequality — an amount that appears unequaled in sheer scale.

Looking deeper, more than 90 percent of that amount — $45.2 billion — is allocated as loans or investments they could stand to profit from, more than half in the form of mortgages. Two banks — JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America — accounted for nearly all of those commitments.

Meanwhile, $4.2 billion of the total pledged is in the form of outright grants. Of that, companies reported just a tiny fraction — about $70 million —

How much money the 50 most valuable companies reported pledging toward racial justice, since George Floyd’s death

Other commitments include loans, investments in venture capital funds and deposits in Black banks.

One interesting development was how black folks have adjusted to this news media problem. The various self-defeating mindsets being widely embraced were captured in the video capturing these prominent black men on national television with the best of intentions but wrongly asuuring the nation that the black police offcers being present meant no racist misconduct occurred.

Oprah, knows who’s who, and is known among blacks to have one of the deepest pockets and the best intentions. In fact, she put together an all-star group of famous black racist experts to produce a post “George Floyd awakening” “Where Do We Go From Here,” two-hour national two day television special. Her objective was to get the best answers from a cross section of black activist and experts and take advantage of this never-seen-before national groundswell of as many if not more white folks than blacks supporting real change in the race and social justice arena.   

Oprah’s “Where Do We Go From Here” 2-day TV special, turned out to be remarkable in showing the complete lack of awareness of the absence of news media accountability in race and police encounters among all of these black race experts. The panel suggested actions the government should take, which have been recommended before. That’s what happens when you don’t know what you don’t know. They showed no awareness of this basic lack of news media accountability problem nor the solution that only we can do for ourselves. This race and social justice problem is like the perfect crime because black folks apparently at no level have any idea that this news media complicity with police in race and police encounters is even going on. Others like Colin Powel and Juan Williams, publicly insisted that it’s not even happening. Plus we saw Dyson and Holmes in action showing another self-defeating journalistic side of this problem. Oprah has been in media her whole professional life, which is interesting to note.

“The Big Cover-Up”video also shows how despite our spectacular advancement, economically and poitically as black Americans, there is this critical key national news media power arena from where news media accountability is imposed. It shows this is where we are without our own national news media presence or representation and the one significant key power base we have failed to occupy in our advancement as a race.

 The misguided thinking exposed among our best and brightest means there is no awareness of the obvious solution because the news media racist problem exposed in “The Big Cover-Up”video remains unknown except to we, who captured and presented the video evidence.

What is being revealed is the various ways a self-defeating mindset can be widely  embraced even while a whole race is failing to see  the solution to the unsolved race and social justice problem.

This is a historic race story being told here that context gives it more perspective. For years we have been the lone source aware of the integrated mainstream news media racist editorial practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters that’s been going on since integration and that’s at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem.

At the same time black Americans are making spectacular economic, and political advancements. The numbers speak for themselves. It’s time to address the last remaining institutional racial inequality of 46 million black Americans and growing spending $1.2 trillion annually and counting, being without our own national news media presence  and representation in the national news media arena.


The Gates Crowley Obama affair with “The Big Cover-Up”video   evidence shows the news media racist editorial problem exist. The George Floyd awakening showed  both the interest and the support of the people is  the resources to put the solution in place. 

However, the lack of awareness of this fundamental racist news media problem that apparently we alone are aware, continues to be the untold story.

This is all about showing black and white Americans who demonstrated in the “George Floyd awakening” their urgent desire to have the unsolved race and social justice problem solved.  This shows that an integrated national news media operation that addresses the integrated mainstream  news media racist editorial problem we exposed in“The Big Cover-Up”video is the obvious solution that the nation is looking and waiting for.

The other part of this untold story of this lack of awareness of the pre-integration news media racist editorial practice that has continued with integration is the various self-defeating mindsets that are being embraced over these more than fifty years of integration. “The George Floyd awakening” exposed probably the biggest self-defeating mindsets among black Americans.

“The Big Cover-Up”video showed clearly that the systemic racist integrated news media problem exist and the obvious solution is to put in place what “The Big Cover-Up”video  shows is missing and needed. “The George Floyd awakening,” showed that there’s a whole nation looking and waiting for this solution that will address the problem that we exposed.

The irony has been knowing what we know and seeing the different ways various groups are trying to address the race and social justice problem even while failing to recognize this problem  and solution. The most rediculous groups are those with unlimited resources declaring their purpose is to solve the unsolve race and social justice problem but reject the solution when presented with it.



Once we identified the basic role of the news media not providing accountability, and the complete lack of awareness among our best and brightest black folks, that opened up insights on existing mindset 

A little thought shows the self-defeating consequences of this lack of awareness all this time of this poroblem and more importantly, the soilution.

The unavoidable obvious solution is for us to put in place a national news media operation that will guard against these racist offenses that are happening that not only black people, but the whole nation doesn’t even know exist. 

“The Big Cover-Up”video shows with its breakthrough revelations of the systemic  mainstream news media racist practice of them even knowingly supporting racist police misconduct in action. That is exactly the kind of national news media representation that is missing and that is required to effectively serve those of us looking for genuine national news media representation.


It should not fall to black Professional Atheletes 

“The Big Cover-Up”video shows that as a race we have been unaware of this key news media racist problem for over fifty years. It showed that even when the black President  was subjected to this racist news media editorial practice he was humilated by the integrated mainstream news media. What’s worse there was onlt one source that realized this happenmed.   

This is an example of the missed opportunity. When the George Floyd awakening saw all of that raw unprecedented support being offered.     

the the solution of establishing our own integrated national news media operation. It would Obviously there a lot more that has been overlooked and neglected by the lack of national news media attention in the race matters arena and not limited to race and social justce. Most importantly, whats missing and needed is an all inclusive national news media operation that’s not limitiing itself by being a black or white thing. 

be a mistake to think that solving the unsolved race and social justice problem of the racist news media editorial practice of suppporting the police in race and police encounters “The Big Cover-Up”video shows even in this revelation the integrated mainstream news media knowingly supported racist police misconduct police.       

race and social justice Obviously a news media organization a racist editorial practice As a news media organizatiTo come up with video evidence typifying the news media’s editorial racist practice of supporting the police in those everyday race and police encounters which we have long since been aware was a  and have been news media   comporable to those police videos confirming integrated news media racist practice  

“The Big Cover-Up”video  is breakthrough information finally showing this little-known combination of the systemic lack of news media accountability in race and police encounters and the police “code of silence” in action. This is video exposure of over fifty years of this systemic news media editorial racist practice finally documented on video that’s at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem.  


We hear about Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, LeBron James, being super competitive, which  would appear to be the profile of most of our black professional athletes. To reach the height of their professions that super competitive spirit would appear to be in their DNA. That suggest this group that would appreciate being made aware of this opportunity to advance us to unprecedented empowerment beyond demonstrating and protesting.  


This shows that we are failing to use our most effective tool to complete our advancement. Plus it shows the difference between protesting and demonstrating for news media attention from an integrated news media that is partnering with the police in race matters versus having our own all-inclusive national news media operation.  As Billie Holiday said “God bless a child who has his own.”

Being rich, black, and famous as “The Big Cover-Up” video makes clear that it still has its  limitations. Creature comforts without racial equality is unacceptable.  It’s time to address the last remaining institutional racial inequality of 46 million and growing spending $1.2 trillion annually and counting being without our own national news media representation. That’s about to change.

The first black President’s involvement in the Sgt. Crowley arrest of Professor Gates elevated this race and police incident to national attention. However, for us it was the opportunity to monitor the integrated mainstream news media’s  response to this race and police racist action and capture it on “The Big Cover-Up”video. The video shows the integrated police all lining up behind Sgt. Crowley’s racist misconduct, from his police supervisors on down. There was no wavering in the cops collectively supporting Sgt. Crowley’s racist misconduct. “The blue code” was on full public display, which we caught in “The Big Cover-Up”video.

“The Big Cover-Up”video shows Sgt. Crowley making an illegal (racist) arrest, lying, and filing a false police report, showing his conciousness of guilt. National news media attention of this incident was generated by the first black President criticizing the police for the Gates arrest in a nationaly televised press conference.


The lack of awareness of the news media supporting the racist police misconduct  even among our best and brightest black Americans is also revealed. The video shows Colin Powel, Jaun Williams, and Stephen A. Smith making well meaning but totally misguided nationally televised self-defeating statements screen grab of a CNN interviewassociated with the Gates, Crowley President Obama affair. However, they were apparently the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” Because we could find no  black or white folks that have shown any awareness of these racist revelations that we’re finally exposing.

It turns out, we are the only source of this breakthrough information on this press and police complicity in race and police encounters, which fortunately we captured in “The Big Cover-Up”video. However, in identifying those who have no awareness of this breakthrough racist related information that we are revealing, it’s not to embarrass anyone, but to show the extent of the lack of awareness of this racist news media problem amongst our fellow black Americans. This is about sharing these little-known facts to finally expose and solve this unsolved race and social justice problem.


“The Big Cover-Up”video was and is the clearest indisputable evidence showing this news media’s racist problem. The integrated mainstream news media and the police were  indifferently sloppy in defying their own publicly released police dispatcher’s recording of Sgt. Crowley lying on his police report. The news media also crossed themselves up in knowingly supporting the exposed racist police misconduct.  


That gave us the rare opportunity to see and show a racist problem that we have known was there since integration. “The Big Cover-Up”video exposed both the police and press engaged in their right and wrong behavior

We have a nation that has been apparently conditioned to wittnessing the most blablocked itself from understanding the solution to the race and social justice problem. It’s our responsibility as the lone source aware of this deep-seated news media racist editorial practice at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem.  to show those unlimited resources the solution that shown it’s there to be supported


Equally if not more important was seeing how the most explicit public display of the integrated mainstream news media engaged in their systemic racist editorial practice in race and police encounters that’s at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem was missed by all. It goes without saying, had we not documented this racist travesty in  “The Big Cover-Up”video this breakthrough racist news media revelation would have been missed forever.

So we have the first hurdle surmounted of showing this integrated mainstream racist editorial practice exist unknown and unchecked. Next we have to show that the solution of an integrated national news media operation will receive major support and self-sustaining subscriber and and advertising.           

For us who have been working on this race and police 

This rare situation of the Press coverage was initially straightforward prompted  by 

neither the press nor the police altered their standard racist behavior, thus allowing the news media racist editorial practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters to unfold as usual. But with an initial stumble exposing Sgt. Crowley filing a false police report eliminated any question identifying the racist news media problem. 

However, despite everyone watching, they all missed the press supporting the racist police  misconduct. But not us, who have always been aware of this systemic news media racist editorial practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters, we alone captured entire racist travesty first hand on “The Big Cover-Up”video.

“The Big Cover-Up”video  also clearly documents the integrated mainstream news media, in this case,  not only showing their routine of supporting the police in a race and police encounter, it shows the news media knowingly supporting the racist police misconduct that targeted the first black President for criticizing Sgt, Crowley’s questionable racist arrest. In other words, this wasn’t just the routine editorial racist news media practice of supporting police in race and police encounters, this was the integrated mainstream news media knowingly supporting racist police misconduct that included the involvement of the first black President.  

“The Big Cover-Up”video gets even more revealing in showing Colin Powel on CNN’s Larry King and Jaun Williams on Fox News. Both insisting that the presence of black cops means no racist offense occurred. These well intentioned but misguided statements by these high profile black men are apparently a small sample size of a widespread  lack of awareness among both blacks and whites who have bought into this “integration delusion” phenomenon, believing that the presence of black cops are insurance against racist police action.

We are  apparently the only source aware of this integrated racist news media editorial practice and problem. But for sure, we’re the only source that caught and documented this racist news media practice on video. We’re now documenting how individuals and groups reacted to this Gates and Crowley affair to show how their actions have contributed to the continuation of this racist problem. That will allows us to share more of this game-changing information with those who are looking to support the obvious solution .

This is over fifty years of this race and social justice problem being the focus of every major foundation, community action groups, traditional watchdog organizations like the NAACP, Black Lives Matter, Urban League, etc.  What they have all missed that has been clearly shown is the need for a news media operation to be in place to fill this news media void that has allowed current press and police complicity to persist unknown and unchecked since integration.  

The irony is that this news media accountability problem in race and police encounters that has been so clearly identified by the videos and articles presented on this website are not even on the awareness radar of these various well intentioned groups and individuals that have focussed on this unsolved race and social justice problem since integration.

This is  what makes this breakthrough game-changing information we are presenting here so important. When the integrated news media can engage in a brazen racist editorial cover-up attack on the first black President with the whole nation watching and every one misses it including the direct target himself, President Obama, that’s a major problem. 

However, the George Floyd awakening made a few things clear. The racist police abuse problem when visually exposed will not likely enjoy the support of the American people. Exposure of racist injustice worked durring the civil rights movement and works today as revealed in the “George Floyd awakening.”  There is no reason to expect anything but an enthusiastic reception for this breakthrough “The Big Cover-Up”video.


The obvious solution of putting in place the news media operation that’s been missing that has stumped black and white Americans interested in solving this problem since integration is our mission.    

The much bigger message is showing the need for a national new media apparatus to not only expose this racist news media practice as shown in “The Big Cover-Up”video,but to put in place the national news media operation that’s obviously missing.

   “George Floyd awakening” was dramatic confirmation of the widespread audience support in waiting among both black and white Americans and major advertisers interested in reaching that big time audience base thirsting for the empowering solution that’s been missing that we have been attempting to put in place for years.

The Prof. Gates -Sgt. Crowley-President Obama affair came with video evidence making it obvious that the solution is to put in place what’s been missing. We’re talking about an integrated all-inclusive national cable news television network that will prioritize an editorial approach that will include the interests and concerns of black Americans and news media accountability in race and police encounters where it has been missing. This is the key to the solution to the unsolved race and social justice problem.

The most challenging obstacle to our not having our own integrated national news media operation that we have been trying to establish for years is the prevailing self-defeating mindset among black venture capital sources. There’s the widespread belief that a national news media operation that includes a straight-forward tell it-like-it-is editorial approach on race and social justice can’t attract major advertising.

Bob Johnson, founder of BET, was the poster child for that stay away from race and social justice issues mindset as a media operation. When criticized for BET’s obvious avoid racial controversy approach, Bob Johnson pointed out that BET  stands for Black Entertainment Television, emphasis on “entertainment” and was a “business to feed his family.” No one can deny the tremendous financial success of his extremely  commendable entertainment media business model.

However, we’re filling this long neglected news media void that few are even aware that it exists despite it being the key to the solution of the unsolved race and social justice problem.  Apparently being the lone source aware of this basic racist news media problem and solution it’ our singular responsibility that’s key to the long-standing unsolved race and social justice problem. We have this news media business model to provide this much needed national news media operation to fill this news media void and finally  address this lack of news media accountability in race and police encounters

Obviously  a definitive national news media operation for the first time assuring 48 million black Americans with $1.6 trillion annual spending power national news media representation, will have no problem gaining major advertisers. It’s naive to think otherwise. That’s a market advertisers will continue to pursue aggressively.  Particularly, when it’s learned that it represents unprecedented empowerment for black Americans and is introducing accountability in the race and social justice news media arena where it is needed but has never been. 

 “George Floyd awakening” was dramatic confirmation of the widespread audience support in waiting among both black and white Americans and major advertisers interested in reaching that big time audience base thirsting for the empowering solution that’s been missing that we have been attempting to put in place for years.

“The George Floyd awakening” showed that Americans will reject racial injustice  when shown that activity is taking place, which is a response that goes back to the civil rights movement days. It’s where the prime time television news footage of the southern sheriffs attacking the peaceful demonstrators generated national revulsion and changed the course of history.   

Establishing our own national news media operation that we described will finally address the unsolved race and social justice problem exposed inThe Big Cover-Up”video.  In other words this will be a news media operation that will inform the public of police misconduct in race and police encounters as was exposed in The Big Cover-Up”video.  When the police racist slights and affronts go unchecked and unexposed it means  the cases of excessive force and police killings become predictable if not inevitable.       

All roads to this breakthrough awareness and understanding of this long term unsolved    race and social Justice problem lead to The Big Cover-Up”video , which shows shows the widespread failure of us black Americans to see this systemic racist news media editorial practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters when it was on full public display in the Sgt. Crowley-Prof.-Gates-President Obama affair. This, despite us being the most directly impacted by this racist news media practice. Combine that news media racist editorial practice with “the police code of silence” and it shows the lack of accountability freedom cops are operating under in race and police encounters. 

The unsolved race and social justice problem has been generally accepted, over the years of integration, even among our best and brightest black Americans, as a race problem that has no specific solution. In the meantime, the video shows this news media racist practice of supporting the police in these race and police encounter is key to this unsolved race and social justice problem.   

When we have thoes of us that are thr strongest advocate of racial equality who are so misinformed that they are offering asertions that are so misguided they give cover to the problem .

That thinking has led to a whole industry of non-profits, community action organizations, activist individuals, and various misguided theories being offered as the basis for this perpetual  unsolved racist problem. 

Ironically, being able to show there is a solution to the unsolved race and social justice problem began with the election of the first black President. The race and police incident, former US President Barack Obama waving his hand 2the arrest of Professor Gates by Sgt Crowley with  President Obama’s involvement led to the breakthrough exposure of the racist news media editorial practice that we caught and captured in“The Big Cover-Up”video.

The response of the police and press to the valid criticism by President Obama exposed the systemic deep-seated news media racist editorial practice of supporting the police in everyday race and police encounters, which in this case, we documented on video as it unfolded.          

Fortunately, when the nation was presented with this blatant display of the integrated mainstream news media subjecting the first black President to their little-known  systemic racist editorial practice, we were able to to identify, catch, and document the whole racist news media travesty in this video. That provided clear evidence of the pre-integration racist news media editorial practice of supporting the police in  race and police  encounters that continues unknown and unchecked to this day. 


The Sgt. Crowley-Professor Gates-President Obama affair is the proverbial smoking gun and exhibit A. It’s the widely publicized race and police incident that exposed the key to Professor Gates, Sgt. Crowley, and former President Obamathis unsolved race and social justice problem. It showed the news media’s pre-integrated racist practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters. Neither the integrated police departments nor the integrated news media    suspended their racist practice for the involvement of the black President. Thus we saw their little-known, undeniable, news media editorial racist practice of even knowingly supporting police misconduct in this race and police encounter, and we documented it all in “The Big Cover-Up” video.

At first CNN and Fox news even televised the report of Sgt. Crowley making an illegal arrest and filing a false police report. (Which showed Crowley’s consciousness of guilt). However,  in the very next news cycle, CNN trotted out their two black news host, TJ Holmes and Don Lemon to switch the story. CNN assigned Don Lemon to interview Sgt. Crowley’s fellow black and white police officers to highlight the cops being angry at the black President of the United States for criticizing the police.

Sgt. Crowley’s racist misconduct was never mentioned again by CNN or any other news organizations. Nor was Crowley ever asked about his false police report. The only subsequent news media story became the cops being angry at the black President for criticizing the police by saying  “the cops had acted stupidly for arresting a man for breaking into his own home.” That was President Obama’s big offense against the cops.

 The other news organizations other than Fox News  never reported the racist police misconduct to start with. Once CNN reversed their initial angle and went to the “angry Cops” narrative, the systemic racist news media tradition of supporting the police in race and police encounters was back in play and the only news story of the event.  


Just so it’s clear, this little-known racist news media practice has been going on since pre-integration. However, to be even clearer, this is not a racist conspiracy. It’s a deep-seated  press and police relationship and tradition that predates integration. Nevertheless,  we finally have the clear evidence of this little-known news media editorial racist practice of even knowingly supporting police misconduct in a race and police encounter on full public display. Remarkably, it appears to have been missed by everyone but this website including those taking the direct hit, President Obama and professor Gates missed it and practically everyone else except we who documented it all on video.   

When you combine the police code of silence, with the news media support in race and police encounters, that amounts to a lack of accountably and explains the sense of entitlement many black and white cops sense they have and often exercise in race and police encounters. That explains Sgt. Crowley’s apparent comfort in engaging in his racist illegal behavior showing no concern for getting exposed by the supportive news media.  

As we have seen, far too often, the police indulgence in this lack of news media accountability in race and police encounters is a level of freedom that has led to the abuse of authority resulting in excessive force and the fatal and final outcome for those being subjected to this racist practice. 


Our progress economically and politically, has been spectacular since integration. However, we can’t let our lack of news media accountability in the race and social justice arena be overlooked and left unaddressed just because we have made spectacular economic and political gains Over fifty years of this lack of news media accountability in race and police encounters and the news media racist practice of supporting the police in race and police encounters is being totally overlooked. This is the key to the unsolved race and social justice problem that once identified must be addressed.

It’s revealing seeing the individuals and groups committed to working on the race and social justice problem that have totally missed this racist news media problem, like the NAACP and BLM. It shows the extent of the widespread lack of awareness of this systemic racist news media problem we have finally exposed.

It also shows that if there had been a major independent national news media operation in the Gates Crowley affair,  that consistently covered and reported the facts, including showing how the rest of the news organizations were suppressing the facts, the truth of the racist injustice would have generated support from the American people, just as it did in the George Floyd police murder.

As it stands now, we alone caught and documented the Gates-Crowley-Obama-affair on video,  establishing this news media racist record on video  to be there permanently, showing the news media’s editorial racist practice. But we have not stopped with that.

We are also showing and pursuing the obvious solution, which is to establish an all-inclusive, integrated, major 24-7 integrated national news media operation and 24-7 on-line news magazine to be in the forefront of the national news media arena to disseminate the facts and  impose news media accountability in race and police encounters that the video shows has been missing.

It starts with our Go FundMe to produce the television Pilot to show the nation what this national news media operation looks like. This will address the integrated mainstream news media failure that has prevailed unknown during these integration years. Then we will raise the capital to establish the  24-7 integrated national cable news television network news media operation and 24-7 on-line news magazine










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