This is like finally solving the ultimate cold case file. Years after President Obama left office, he wrote his memoirs in which It was reported that he said Whitehouse polling showed that the Gates Crowley Obama incident led to the biggest drop in white support for his presidency.

Regarding the Gates Crowley Obama affair, we have always questioned if President Obama and his people knew about the police misconduct and news media complicity we exposed in the big cover-up video?  Because, had he known,  he would have also known why his white support dropped. However, seeing how he had that “Beer Summit “ to try and offset the bad press he unjustifiably recieved with him or his people offering no push back, raised the question of his awareness of the revelations we exposed in the video.

Not only did he and his people offer no push back, but our watchdog activist, individuals and groups, like the NAACP, BLM, also showed no awareness since they failed to point out the obvious police and press “snow job” that was being put over on the public and the President that we exposed and documented in“The Big Cover-Up ” video.  That showed us to be the lone source aware of this systemic news media racist PRACTICE that we are  exposing here.  

Nevertheless, the news media cover-up of the police racist misconduct that left President Obama vilified and falsely tarnished with that bogus news media driven negative image, compelled President Obama to invite Gates and Crowley to the Whitehouse for that public relations “Beer Summit,” to try and offset the bad press he unjustifiably received. That’s where that news media driven racist farce ended as far as the general public, the press, and the police  were concerned.


But, fortunately, that’s not where it ended with us here at We documented the clear evidence of the little-known systemic integrated news media driven racist injustice in detail in “The Big Cover-Up” video. That included showing that the whole nation failed to see this new media editorial racist PRACTICE that targeted the black President.

This breakthrough video shows the manipulation of information by the integrated mainstream news media, supressing the expose’ of Sgt. Crowley lying in his police report, and introducing a diversionary narrative of the cops being angry at the black President for being unjustifiably critical. Knowledge of this deceptive news media PRACTICE in the face of police misconduct is key to solving the unsolved race and social justice problem. Plus the video shows that few even know this news media racist editorial PRACTICE and problem exist. Being oblivious to this news media deception means you’re not likely to go after the solution if you don’t know the solution exist.

The one thing left for us to do is to check his book post presidency to see if President Obama knew that the integrated news media supported the racist illegal police arrest of Professor Gates and that the news media supported the police cover-up that our video exposed?

The answer will tell us the depth of the lack of awareness of this racist news media problem. It will tell us if the target (President Obama) of this racist news media editorial PRACTICE of supporting the police in this race and police incident missed this clear and brazen display of this racist PRACTICE. That also tells us our level of responsibility in being the only source aware of this racist problem, and as the lone source who captured on video this news media racist systemic PRACTICE of supporting this racist police misconduct.

In his own words (below) is President Obama’s understanding of what he thought happened, in the Gates Crowley Obama affair, as written in his post Presidency book A Promised Land.


Obama writes, “It was my first indicator of how the issue of black folks and the police was more polarizing than just about any other subject in American life. It seemed to tap into some of the deepest undercurrents of our nation’s psyche, touching on the rawest of nerves”… page 390 in the hardcover of his book, A Promised Land.

No Sir, respectfully, Obama’s analysis categorically shows that he has absolutely no understanding of the systemic racist news media problem we exposed in “The Big Cover-Up” video nor did he show any awareness of the press and police complicity directed against him in that Gates, Crowley, Obama, race and police incident.

The point is, before we get into any discussion of black folks and police polarization to explain President Obama’s drop in white support, we already presented the answer to the reason for the drop in white support in “The Big Cover-Up” video. It was a simple case of the news media supressing the earlier televised revelation of Sgt Crowley making an illegal arrest, lying and filing a false police report to justify the arrest and shows his consciousness of guilt.Then the integrated mainstream news media switched the narrative to the police being angry at President Obama for criticizing them.

The video shows, promoting cops being angry at President Obama, was spearheaded by CNN. They sent out their lead black news host, Don Lemon to conduct a one-sided, widely televised, interview with Sgt Crowley’s black police co-workers to express their anger with President Obama for what turned out to be his justified criticism of Sgt Crowley.  It was CNN’s editorial decision to push the angry cops  narrative and to end any mention of their exposure of his illegal arrest, lies, and false police report.. It’s all documented in “The Big Cover-Up” video.


There has never been a clearer display as documented in the video of this integrated news media’s systemic racist PRACTICE of supporting racist police misconduct in race and police encounters. Particularly, as it’s related to the involvement of the first black President. As mentioned earlier, this is not the excessive force and police killings being supported by the integrated news media that’s being exposed.   

Remarkably, this is a racist news media PRACTICE that few people even know exist that’s been in place since integration of police departments and news rooms. Most important, it’s at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem. It’s the integrated mainstream news media systemic racist PRACTICE of supporting the police in race and police encounters being exposed.

The collective news media action of going with CNN’s angry cops narrative and ignoring Sgt. Crowley’s revealed lies and false police report as exposed in “The Big Cover-Up” video was not a  conspiracy. There was no conference calls made among news organizations nor memos circulated to get the collective news media response. Once the angry cops narrative was introduced by CNN, Sgt. Crowley’s lies and false police report was never mentioned again by any news organization.

It’s an understood unwritten racist rule between press and police relationship as real in the news media as the unwritten police “code of silence” is with cops.  Interestingly, many of those in the integrated mainstream news media don’t even realize they’re engaged in the racist editorial PRACTICE.

This police incident that included the involvement of the first black President, in the  Prof Gates Sgt Crowley and President Obama  affair gave us the perfect set of President Obama Election 2008circumstance in place and on display to expose this little-known systemic  integrated news media racist PRACTICE of supporting the police in this race and police encounter incident showing this is a widespread integrated racist news media PRACTICE and long existing news media problem.

Interestingly, when this news media racist PRACTICE occurred in this race and police incident that included the involvement of the first black President, in the Prof Gates Sgt Crowley and President Obama affair, it commanded national attention. In other words, this little known, widespread, key racist PRACTICE, that has been going on undetected since integration was finally laid bare and crystal clear on the national stage.

“The Big Cover-Up” video exposed the entire integrated mainstream news media acting in concert either wittingly or unwittingly allowing the racist police misconduct to prevail that actually targeted the black President making him the bad guy for criticizing the police officer. It made no exception in their systemic racist news media PRACTICE for the involvement of the black President, thus exposing the existence of the racist news media editorial PRACTICE of supporting  the cops in race and police encounters. More importantly it gave us clear evidence of the existence of this news media racist editorial PRACTICE  that’s at the root of the unsolved race and social justice problem.

The Gates Crowley Obama affair, put on display several key aspects of this little-known racist problem which everyone failed to see, even with the target of the racist offence being the first black  President. Ironically, not only was it missed by most, but as mentioned earlier, the video shows  prominent black spokesmen, Colin Powel and Jaun Williams insisting that integrated cops had prevented any racist misconduct from occurring. Plus we  see Stephen A Smith with his adamant denouncement of Professor  Gates in defence of Sgt Crowley.

It provided us with a full understanding of the problem and the solution.“The Big Cover-Up” video is invaluable in identifying some key self-defeating, widely embraced, misunderstandings, and misguided beliefs, revealed in this one race and police incident involving the first black President that have gone unchecked and uncorrected for years. This is all because of the lack of awareness among our best and brightest of these factors we continue to identify.

Now that we have confirmed President Obama’s misguided analysis a major avenue of understanding has  been opened relevant to this Gates Crowley Obama incident. It gives us breakthrough game-changing information and indisputable video evidence of this little-known widespread news media racist PRACTICE. 

As for our responsibility as the lone source of awareness of this racist problem with the obvious remedy and solution being to put in place what’s been missing.  For the sake of the nation and black folks we can’t afford to muck this up.


It begins with showing we here at are apparently the lone source  that has documented this integrated news media racist editorial PRACTICE  of supporting the cops in race and police encounters problem, which we are showing  has been going on since integration. It’s so imperceptibly ingrained that most black and white folks are unaware that this major news media racist editorial PRACTICE of supporting the police in race and police encounters even exist.

Our objective here is to make this website a comprehensive resource of information and enlightened on this overlooked subject of the integrated mainstream news media systemic racist  PRACTICE of supporting accepted routine racist police behaviour. The objective is to show there is this missing level of news media accountability in race and police encounters that can only be corrected by putting what’s missing in place.